Would love to know if anyone else experienced the same, and whether or not it’s supposed to work like that. So going back a few years a guild member posted a link to a chart that outlined the various loot available from pickpocketing different types of npcs. Now i haven’t tested if this is a general thing, but so far, every mob in Scarlet Monastery seems to have their pickpocket loot table reset on it’s own within 10-15 minutes after being looted the first time. Now, i am not sure if this is intentional or not, but I find it strange that elite mobs have their loot respawned that quickly. After doing some testing, i went out, reset the dungeon, pickpocketed all mobs in there again, went back to the entrance and to my surprise again, all the mobs had their pickpocket loot table reset, and i was basically able to endlessly farm them like that. Wait behind someone until you have that green chance, and you'll have a much smaller chance of being spotted You can pick a single pocket up to three times.

You see, on my way back, i tried to pickpocket the mobs at the start of the dungeon, and to my surprise, the pickpocket worked, and the loot table had reset. When you pickpocket, there will be a white base chance to pick the pocket, but it will occasionally rise 20 to a green chance. To me, its all a matter of getting the most out of an npc. I dont think there is THAT much of a major difference between loot from pickpocketing vs loot from kills as I've gotten blues from both avenues. And a jump into water usually enables you to evade angry citizens who detected your not-so-light fingers, without needing to kill them and seriously raise the bounty on your head, or to run helter-skelter through streets into guards.So i’ve been pickpocketing mobs in Scarlet Monastery all day to get gold for my level 40 mount, and after pickpocketing all mobs in the Armory, i noticed something weird on my way out of the instance. Thats the thing though, I specifically stated I pickpocket till they're empty and then assassinate but that is strictly for the dried blood. Nearby water often affords the opportunity for a bit of fishing while waiting. Overall time and bounty savings can be considerable. Though this requires a bit of immediate patience, waiting for your victims to respawn, it often amounts to time well spent waiting in safety for the bounty on your head from mistakes to wear off. If you kill them early, when they still have goodies in their pockets, you at least get to loot their corpses and take something for your trouble.
Eso pickpocket loot full#
When you are starting out with low pickpocket skills, you’re better off disposing of targets after one or two successful attempts than trying for the full three at lower odds. script SetCVar (AutoLootDefault, 0) Either it enables the auto loot and it stays on after the. script SetCVar (AutoLootDefault, 1) /cast Pick Pocket.

Have been experimenting with several iterations, but this is the basic idea: showtooltip. After that, rinse and repeat: assassinate them so they respawn with full pockets again. When I cast Pick Picket I want it to become enabled and disabled after the action is done. Citizens are good for three successive pickpockets. I used this technique quite a bit in the Vulkhel Guard courtyard to farm human skulls. Contents 1 Skill Perks 1. Legerdemain abilities focus on improving your ability to steal and fence items as part of the Justice System.

It becomes available once you successfully pickpocket an NPC, steal an item or pick a lock. In my experience, I've also noticed that if I pickpocket someone once and then someone else kills them, I can loot the other two drops from the corpse and they can contain the housing items. Progression Legerdemain is a skill line available to all players. Instead of sneaking about looking for a string of victims, with possibly a bounty on one’s head, pick out one or two easy marks in a safe area and work them repeatedly. BoW after second pickpocket definitely works to get the 3rd item. Theres only 3 tiers of marks though, easy, normal, and medium. You see, on my way back, i tried to pickpocket the mobs at the start of the dungeon, and to my surprise, the. With pickpocketing, you get a better chance for higher quality treasures from higher level marks. The safest, most methodical way to run through the repeatable Thieves Guild Plucking Fingers, Idle Hands, Under Our Thumb quests is, first, to equip oneself with The Blade of Woe by completing the initial Dark Brotherhood quest. So i’ve been pickpocketing mobs in Scarlet Monastery all day to get gold for my level 40 mount, and after pickpocketing all mobs in the Armory, i noticed something weird on my way out of the instance.